Ages 12-15

LIFE POD is our Jr. High level which includes grades 7th-9th.

Science Class

For LIFE ACADEMY’S first semester, we are excited to be teaching “Motion and Simple Machines” from The Good and the Beautiful. This is a fun, hands-on, approach to science, and we are confident your child will love this course. Be on the lookout for Jr. High chemistry and lab happening during the 2nd semester.

Writing Intensive

Educational moments are tucked into every class and this includes our Writing Class. Not only will the students learn from the ground up how to write engaging and proper grammar filled essays, but this will also provide them with the opportunity to practice their public speaking skills, and help them develop confident communication.

Spanish Class

Our desire is to not only inspire and encourage our students to do incredible things, but to help the parents/families out by tackling some courses not as easily taught at home but required in NYS. Foreign language is something we are excited to dive into.

Music & Instrument Class

Each week, throughout both semesters, Music/Instrument classes will be a huge part of our schedule. It is well documented that music plays an important roll in the development of the individual and unlocking new brain pathways. We hope to be a part of what helps each child start to truly understand their unique God-given individuality.

Economics & Business Fair

This class will introduce the building blocks and beginner level concepts of economics and starting a business. We will be using the Tuttle Twins curriculum along with a few other aides. This will span through both semesters ending with a business fair where they can sell their products and business concepts. We could not be more excited for this.

Art Class

Throughout both semesters Art Class will be a staple in each student’s schedule. Creativity is something we aspire to breed and grow at Life Academy. Our biggest hope with art is to inspire students to think outside the box and feel comfortable expressing it.

Physical Education

Movement, group games and physical education will be ran throughout both semesters at Life Academy. We will be taking full advantage of the fact that we can have group activities, unlike what is possible at home, due to the amount of students.

Veterinarian Workshop

Our goal has been and will always be, to inspire creativity and possibilities in our student’s minds. We are excited to bring this 6-week course taught by a retired veterinarian, to inspire and engage the minds of our students.

Life Skills Workshop

The last 45 mins of every Thursday will be dedicated to this workshop, and we are so excited! Every 6 weeks, we will be offering 2-4 different life skill workshops, that each student gets to chose from. Possible opportunities will be, photography, cake decorating, coding, Lego builds, acting skills, knitting, singing, and the list goes on. We will continue to add as we find individuals who want to share their skills.

Creative hands-on learning and life-long friendships

As homeschooling parents, often some of our concerns are:

Where can my child find friends?

Where can they develop meaningful friendships?

Where can they nurture their socializing skills?

At Life Academy these needs can be met and nurtured. Here, we value this aspect and place priority on fostering these friendships.



This includes supplies, books, curriculum, music lessons and miscellaneous fees


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